Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

und das kam heute morgen von holger b. frick an:

Nun ist seit schreiben des Drehbuches schon tatsächlich etwas mehr als ein Jahr vergangen,
und über diesen Zeitraum hat so ungefähr jeder den ich kenne
auf die ein oder andere Art etwas von diesem Projekt zu spüren bekommen.

Daher möchte ich auch mit allen feiern:

Am 18. April

um 23:00 Uhr (Einlaß 22:30)

im GLORIA PALAST, Karlsplatz 5 (Stachus), München

wird nun endlich PREMIERE zelebriert.

1 Kommentar:

brooppz2 hat gesagt…

Hi Sandra,

Your website mentioned your English is good! Then I can add something here. :)

I saw you last Saturday night on Viva for the first time. I searched quite some time to find your name, and once I did, stumbled across this blog.

Now, I just wanted to write a few well deserved friendly words. You're way more than the typical eye candy employed for this type of tv show. You're a skilled host and I was surprised you managed to turn an otherwise boring quiz show strongly reminiscent of the game of pinball into something worth watching!

You bring much needed energy to what would otherwise be a truly ignorable late night extra. You clearly had fun during the show, and never come across as perverted, fake or cocky; instead sexy and very seductive. tthis is something few girls manage to do. Your sense of humor is great, and your movements teasing. I ended watching the show - an agressive phone rip-off hoax - in spite of what it is! It's all your fault. :))) Just hope no epileptics watch the show; they would suffer a fit from the JETZT!! JETZT!!!! JETZT!!!!!! madness.

I wish your career goes well, and you continue to have fun in whatever you do.

Best wishes,

PS: As regards your current movie, is that a woodcutter coming back home; are you cooking for him?????